Design air cleaner AirgoClean® 110 E with HEPA filter

Clean air for a healthy lifestyle: 3-fold strong HEPA air purifier – with ionisation and air quality display.

Because clean air is naturally better

A healthy lifestyle is the best health care. We thus make an important contribution to protecting our bodies from disease. A healthy life includes a balanced diet, sufficient exercise, restful sleep and naturally clean air to breathe. However, we rarely worry about indoor air quality – whereas we pay attention to additives in food and practice breathing exercises in yoga to recharge our batteries. Indoor air is rarely clean! Pollen, allergenic spores, mites, viruses and bacteria make our lives difficult. The more we breathe in, the more noticeable the effects on our well-being.

Which allergens and pollutants are filtered out of the air?

The air indoors is usually more polluted than the air outside. People who live on busy streets unknowingly breathe in fine dust particles that get into their own four walls through windows and doors. With every breath these tiny particles penetrate the body, sometimes only to develop their harmful effects much later