Design Air Cleaner AirgoClean® 150 E with HEPA filter
Breathe clean air without worries thanks to 3-fold strong HEPA filter technology – with ionisation and air quality display.
Day after day free to breathe clean air
Clean air reduces health risks! Every breath fills our lungs with around half a litre of air. With every inhalation, however, tiny particles of shaft material also enter the airways and lungs. These are deposited in the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli and can have a short or long-term effect on health. Air pollution is therefore a particular burden, especially for children, allergy sufferers and people who are already ill. The higher the level of pollution in the air, for example along busy roads, the more noticeable the effects on performance and well-being in everyday life. The AirgoClean® 150 E with its unique 3-layer HEPA filter technology offers a high level of protection against pathogenic micro-particles to reliably remove air pollutants in the micrometer range from the room air.
Which allergens and pollutants are filtered out of the air?
Indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air. However, in many places even the supposedly unpolluted “fresh air” has a dangerously high concentration of fine dust. These tiny particles enter the interior through open doors and windows and enter the human organism through respiration